Saturday, January 20, 2007


Here I am watching the Apple keynote speech the other night online.

Steve Jobs was explaining how with the new Apple TV you can watch content from your PC right on your widescreen TV. Ummm..... :) All seriousness aside, Apple TV does have some pretty cool features, like built in Wi-Fi. Really, I just had to poke a little fun. If you want to see more you can go to the Apple TV site.

The majority of the keynote speech was about the new iPhone, to be released in June. I was amazed by it... I don't know what else to say. I could describe all the cool things it does, but you really need to go see yourself by either watching the keynote or clicking on the various feature sections on the iPhone page. I got even more excited when I read the review at PC Magazine. The reviewer actually got to use one for like 10 minutes, and said it's even more impressive than the keynote, and described the touchscreen as taking your breath away. Steve Jobs had a quote from Allan Kay during the keynote that I thought was good, especially after seeing the iPhone... the quote was "People who are serious about software should build their own hardware."

In the end, the presentation left me with two main thoughts:
1) I really want an iPhone.
2) I would really enjoy working for Apple.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I liked the quote from that famous hockey player, too: "I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has already been."

I think you would work really well for Apple. Why don't you come work at the Genius bar here in Memphis? The head guy (who usually stays inside behind a security door) apparently worked for Microsoft for 15 years or something. I found out while confirming that my optical drive was working just fine and that there was something wrong with my Microsoft Windows XP disk. Now that Microsoft has sent me a new disc, we have windows running side by side with Mac OS X. It's pretty cool. This short video shows what it can potentially look like:
