Friday, July 13, 2007

iPhone Launch on Dallas News

NBC 5i covered the iPhone launch, and I was on the story for about 3 seconds. I kind of got myself on there because I was taking pictures of the crowd, and was going to get one with the camera man in the forefront. Well, he turned around, and we ended up photographing each other :) Then he asked me a few questions, and one of my answers made the story. Here's the picture of the camera man and then the news story.


Allison said...

Hey Jason!

Thanks for adding me to your "Links" that's exciting to see my name, hehe. I added you to mine as well.

I'm all caught up on reading and watching your blogs. Your iPhone is pretty flippin' cool. I really liked the demo blog and the blog in the blog- way cool!

Hope that you are doing well.

Keep in touch,

Allison :)

SavingDiva said...

It's always exciting to be on TV!